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17 November

Why am I in Business?

Have you ever had a year that leaves you staring into the wall and asking yourself,

“What the hell am I doing?”

Anyone, who has been through a life changing experience, often finds a period of reflection, insight and clarity.

You are forced to look  beyond your day to day grind of “doing” and reflect on your “why”.


Questions that might run through your mind:

  • Why are you a entrepreneur and not a employee ?
  • What strengths do you have in business and where are your weaknesses?
  • What areas do you hate about your working life?
  • Do you want to work in multiple areas or focus more on one area?
  • What niche do you want to specialize in?
  • What type of clients do you want to attract?
  • How can you attract the right clients?
  • What do you need to change to be more effective and strategic?

If you are in business, you should know all the above answers quite intimately, revisiting them and addressing your time management, activities and business goals on a regular basis.

Are you trying to be all things to all clients, and loosing your joy of working  in the process?


The Challenge

Challenge yourself to take a whole day off from working in your business, find a quiet location that is comfortable and ponder the above seven questions carefully. Can you with clarity, confidence and with sound intuition answer them all with a peaceful response?

What do I mean by peaceful response? 

As you answer the questions on paper, does your mind stay quiet, your body relaxed? Or do you find that little voice in your head going off a million words a minute? Observe your body’s physical response to what you are writing, is it relaxed or does it become rigid, are your hands starting to clamp into fists?

All to often we are so busy working in our business, that we fail to stop to work on our business and ourselves.

What is your why

What is your WHY…?

Working in your business puts food on the table, clothes on your back, pays for children’s education, a holiday, a nice car and a mortgage……. I get that.

  • What is YOUR why for being in business?
  • Does your work bring you joy and satisfaction?
  • Do you solve problems that make your client’s lives happier?


What does your business reflect about you?

Your business can only succeed to the level that you allow, within the limitations that you set for yourself.

What is your business telling you about yourself?


What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for this past year, the grief, the pain and absolutely the confusion of the mind and the heart.

My grief and loss has forced me stop, reflect and put my business life on hold while I regroup, rebuild and focus on what I love.

“There is wisdom in patience”

I have chosen to patiently, quietly, refocus my energy to ensure 2017 is a year of joy and success.

In the process of my planning, I will ensure that my efforts will  result in deep satisfaction and customer excellence.


What are your business goals for 2017?


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