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02 December

What does the Zarkora Chronicles and Business Blogging have in common?

Nicholas Lochel and Alison Lochel write the successful fantasy / adventure series called the Zarkora Chronicles which can be found in a four book series at the current time.

I was fortunate enough to have them agree to a impromptu interview at Dymocks at Westfield Shopping Center at Mount Gravatt.

Nicholas shared with me how writing a book for your target audience is not all that different to writing content for your ideal customer.

Here are some of the excellent points that they both shared to help you reach the minds and hearts of your ideal audience.



How do you come up with the conception of an idea, then make sure that it interests your ideal target audience?

Nicholas explained that both himself and his sister Alison were influenced by the books of Harry Potter, The Hobbit and they wanted to do something similar. Alison stated that they focused on writing books that they loved at their ideal reader’s age.



How do you come up with ideas for your characters when writing a book?

Do you develop the characters persona first and write the story?

Or do you write the story and then develop the characters?

The Zakora series was very “loosely” based from their own family members and siblings. They knew how their family would react in any given situation and then wrote this into their characters of the book. The story grew around the characters, based on people their were familiar with so that it’s convincing to the reader.

What can business owners take away from this practice when it comes to your own business blog articles?



How do you develop a story around the characters that is intriguing enough to keep the readers attention and interest?

Alison shared how she has always loved Dragons, so she had to ensure that they were in their stories.

The Dragon had to be on the front cover, to grab their target reader’s attention.

The story had to be a fast paced with short chapters, to draw the reader into the story and appeal to their imagination.



Are you stopping at the four books of the Zarkora series?

We have one more book to add to the Zarkora series.

Will you be starting a new series?

Nicholas admitted that both himself and his sister Alison may consider some spin off stories for the main five book series.

Are you going to target a new audience?

We will have a new junior book for 7 year olds with more images and humor.

How do you advertise your books?

They both attend conferences like SuperNova and ComicCon where they know their key demographic will be attending.

They also use social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

What is the best way for readers to find you?

Nicholas and his sister Alison mainly operate from Facebook and you can go to their website to purchase their books.


Thank you Alison and Nicholas for your time!


Remember to support our wonderful Australian authors when you are buying gifts these holidays!


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