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09 September

Create a Successful Business Blog

Small business owners understand that every successful small business needs to have an online presence.

Writing a business blog is a great way to show case your expertise and entice new customers.

The most common questions I am asked are:

What’s your Rate of Return for the time spent blogging and on social media?

What do I write about?

Where do I find the time?

How much is it going to cost me?

These are all valid reasons and I will answer them as I continue in this article.

Clarity with your Business blog


Clarity is  needed 

You need to be very clear about your blog’s purpose before you begin.

If you have already started a blog, then ensure that the content matches your current goal.

Here are some pertinent questions to be asking yourself:

  1. What is the goal of your blog?
  2. Are you writing from necessity or enjoyment?
  3. Do you view the blog as a hobby?
  4. If this is indeed for business, are you targeting customers, industry peers or partnerships?


Business Blogging


Topics and Content

Now that you know your business blogging goal, think about the topics you will write about.

You can choose from topics that are raised in your industry, latest news, customer questions found on Facebook, existing clients inquiries, how can you solve a problem that they face?

Make a long list of at least 20 topics and then scan social media for ideas, or ask your customers what they would like you to write about.


Business Blog Topics


Practice your writing

Writing a polished and easily read blog takes both time and practice.

Stalk online clever bloggers like Mark Schaefer from Business Grow, or our very own Aussie Business Blogger Jeff Bullas from Jeff and his guest bloggers to gain some ideas and techniques.

I suggest that you even record your ideas into a recording device and then either write it out yourself, or outsource to have it written and formatted on your blog . Then, only publish your best content. Do not be afraid to give your knowledge away freely without holding back, this will also stand you apart from other writers and blogs.


Be consistent with your blogging


Be Consistent

I cannot stated this without more emphasis, be it daily, weekly or monthly you must be consistent. This allows your readers to know that you are active and reliable. I would suggest that you create a blogging schedule or editorial calendar to retain motivated to be consistent.


Engage with your Business Blog audience


Create engagement with your readers

Use your blog as an opportunity to connect with and engage with your ideal customer or partner. Try to be creative in how you interact with your readers .

You can ask them on social media to be involved. I particularly like using Facebook and Twitter to start a conversation.

Why not try incorporating different mediums like Youtube, Slide Share and Infographics with your content.


Blog wisely


Blog Wisely

Make sure that whatever you write, you would be comfortable with your mother, extended family and friends to read.

Do not commit social suicide with thoughtless  or emotionally charged articles that are overly negative and destructive.


Blog wisely


Reply to comments

If a person or a reader takes the time to comment on one of your posts, be sure that you take the time to respond back to them promptly. Share the comment on Facebook and answer the question there as well.


Use images and videos frequently


Use images and videos frequently

Visual media is extremely important, as we are a visual society. Instead of buying stock photos, make it a habit to take photos when you are out and about to use online. This will also make your blog unique and visually more interesting than any other blog.


Invite Guest Bloggers


Invite Guest Bloggers

Finding it difficult to write consistently? Invite industry professionals and peers to write on your site, or even your customers to help build your blog content.

This will also keep your content on the site fresh and interesting.


Ve Search Engine Optimization Friendly


Be SEO Friendly

Arrange your articles in a orderly fashion with the appropriate categories and tags with keywords. This helps your readers to their topic or an interest.

When you write, think about what words your ideal reader or customer would be typing into a search bar. Use these words into your blog articles and your header.

Do your research online and use the tips, tricks and ideas you find to increase the value of your articles.


Hopefully these ten tips will get you up and blogging easily and without too much fuss.

If you have found this interesting, please take the time to comment below.

Have a question?

Please ask away, I love to find new content ideas!


One thought on “Create a Successful Business Blog

  1. tasty food says:

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