End of Financial Year madness is almost upon us. What deductions can and cannot claim on your tax return? This article has all the most recent Factsheets per occupation available for you to download! Click to see more....
There have been many JobKeeper frequently asked questions from both clients and on social media asked around the Covid_19 payment package. I have highlighted some of the more frequent questions and their answers in this blog article - Click to read more
As a employer, sole trader or charity, you may be trying to understand all the tests, qualifying dates and other information that you need to know to be eligible for JobKeeper. Hopefully, this article will help you understand the three tests available and which is the best one for you to apply for. Click the picture to find out more.
Why is good record keeping a crucial part of your business? Good records form a part of your tax and super obligations. Good record keeping will also give you a more accurate picture of your business to help you understand if you are making or loosing money from the beginning!Start keeping records as soon as you start setting up your business. This article will help you learn how to do this.....
What is a ABN and why do you need to register for one if you are a Sole Trader or Business owner? This article will not just explain how to obtain a ABN, but how to apply for one as well.
Starting a business is full of decisions and choices. This article goes into the various structures you can use. Most importantly, you need to know your business, before you begin. Click on this link to discover more.....
In Episode 4 of my monthly Youtube channel I discuss the necessity of your having a vehicle log book this tax time. The Australian Taxation Office requires a log book of 12 weeks for any vehicle owned or used by your business. Here are some helpful links and free resources to help out. Click through to see more....
The Australian Tax Office is not giving the same level of lenancy that they have the past 5 years with SMSF (Self Managed Superanuation Fund) rulings and trustees who fail to comply. The gloves are officially OFF!
It would appear that the Australian Taxation Office has decided to take the gloves off, and crack down on small business owners who fail to be compliant with paying their fair share of tax or involved in unfair cash only practices. How? Read the link to find out more.....
This is a new Monthly Youtube series for Property Investors and Small Business owners to hear about how to ensure they are compliant with ATO requirements. Click to watch Episode One - My introduction to the series.
Are you floundering with a purpose or goal with your business blog? Do you find you have writer's block or fail to be consistent? This article will give you some practical tips to help you write content your customers will enjoy and do so on a regular basis. Read on...
Have you ever experienced working with someone when nothing is completed as expected? Does it frustrate you? This article will look at three areas where you can improve communication with your bookkeeper. Click on the link to read more.....
Are you one of many small business owners where the "thought" of having to do your bookkeeping makes mowing the lawn or seeing your dentist more appealing? Amanda Hoffmann from My Office Books offers you four very practical solutions.
Do you find you just don't have enough time in a single day to get everything done? You are not alone. The real question is however, s it you really don't have time, or is it just your mindset? My article explores this very question.....
The cost of employment is high, that is why many in the construction and building industry choose to use subcontractors to reduce their overheads. But, is it the solution that many business owners think it is?
Warehouse automation is rapidly evolving, with AI, robotics, and data-driven insights driving efficiencies. Find out how your business can get ahead in 2025. This post originally appeared on MYOB Pulse.
Discover why more manufacturing businesses are using cloud business management systems like MYOB Acumatica to help them achieve sustainable growth. This post originally appeared on MYOB Pulse.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is changing how projects come together, giving construction teams smarter ways to plan and manage builds. Discover how. This post originally appeared on MYOB Pulse.
Find out how to get your sole trader business firing on all cylinders faster by taking a look at some top ways to smash through this year. This post originally appeared on MYOB Pulse.
Take a closer look at the tech trends reshaping the construction industry — and discover how businesses can solve common challenges by embracing innovation. This post originally appeared on MYOB Pulse.
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