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16 November


Are you in a daze wondering HOW did this year glide by so fast that it’s Christmas next month!

It is critical that as a small business owner you use the slower weeks between Christmas Eve and New Year’s to reflect, plan and act!

What do I mean by the term “reflect” and why is it so important?

As a business owner, we are so often engrossed in the actual working “in” our business that we loose sight of the need to sit down and reflect.

Reflect on….

What did I want to achieve in my business in 2017?

Did I meet those goals I had planned? If I didn’t, then why?

Did I increase my turnover, client base or skills?

What do I want to achieve in 2018?

Do not underestimate the “power” of reflection, planning, then acting on those plans.

In the quiet weeks ahead, take the time to sit and think about what it is you want to achieve in 3 easy steps:


Good intentions are not a plan

1. Start NOW and set your goals early

As a small business owner, you should have goal setting as a daily and weekly routine.

Do not plan to make New Year’s resolutions that are based on wishful thinking or “the thing” to do.

Set goals today to produce new actions that will empower you to reach your goals and have a positive outcome.

1 part strategy for successful planning


2. Be specific when setting goals

It’s time to set out your goals for 2018!

Get a piece of paper and pen

Go to a quiet place and draw a line in the middle of the page Left is Column 1 and the right is Column 2.

You are now going to have a “Brain Dump”.

For the next 5 minutes in Column 1…..

All the things you wanted to achieve this past year

Don’t think to much….just write them all down.

Then for the next 5 minutes in Column 2

Write down all the things you want to achieve in 2018.

Once you have completed this process, go through all your comments

Column 1 – Cross Out

  • Irrelevant items that no longer apply to next year
  • Anything that is not business related
  • Anything that you have successfully completed
  • Anything that you honestly do not want to do

You now have a list of goals to plan for 2018.


goals need plans or they are just a wish


3. Plan to succeed NOW

With your new list of goals all sorted, it is time to organise your success now!

Pick 2 priorities and claim a month for them.

  1. Start scheduling the things that you want to happen. Add only 2 items per month.
  2. Use google calender, your smart phone to do list or physically write these down in your diary….whatever works for you!
  3. Have the attitude: If all else fails, by accomplishing these two goals a month I am creating progress in my business
  4. Continue adding your two items as your priorities for the month until you have no more items to add



Tell me, what is YOUR secret to planning? What do you do on a daily, weekly or monthly basis?


Tell me what YOU hate about planning? What makes you feel sick just “thinking” about it in the first place?

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