Running a small business in this economic climate is tough and time consuming. There are roadblocks that seem to crop up each and every day, putting your schedule and efficiency at risk. When you are the sole operator, there are only so many hours in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. Using the right time saving tools reduces stress and increases your productivity. Here is one tool that our office uses all the time and recommend to our clients.
It is an online virtual hard drive. You can save all your images, documetns and video clips into your dropbox account and access it anywhere, anytime. You can save items exactly as you would on your computer except this one is online or “in the cloud.”
Let me illustrate from real life examples:
Tom the Tradie just bought fuel, instead of shoving it somewhere in his van he will:
Get his smart phone (iphone or andriod)
Take a photo of the receipt
Tap on the receipt photo
Select share to Dropbox
Save in the folder called “receipts”
No more missing receipts or tax deductions!
Sarah the Property Investor is completing her final inspection on a rental property.
She notices that the granite bench top in the kitchen has been damaged. The tenant argues that the chunk missing was like that when they moved in. Sarah will calmly access the entry photos on her saved Dropbox folder to show the tenant the condition of the bench top when they first moved in.
No more arguments!
These are just two examples, but there are many advantages with saving online with Dropbox.
Sharing files both small and large are easy to do via Dropbox with other people. (click here to find out more)
You can create personalized folders and save your documents accordingly. This is particularly useful if you travel for work.
Upload your camera’s photos to dropbox as you travel.
No more running out of memory, no lost photos if the camera is damaged or stolen. (click here for the link)
You can find out more by going to
If you are more visual, then take a look at Steve Dotto on youtube!
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Amanda Hoffmann is a registered Tax Practitioner / BAS Agent No.18613005, Associate of Finance, Xero, Myob & Quickbooks Proadvisor / Trainer and a Consultant for the Australian Taxation Office.
She says she is more than just a bookkeeper with experience in real estate investing, social media, podcasting, blogging and recently recording monthly youtube episodes
Amanda loves to teach smart, easy online cloud solutions and fix messy bookkeeping. Follow her on social media and say “Hi”
BAS Agent and Bookkeeping