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24 August

Filing Tips & Tricks

Small business owners often find filing and storing paperwork tedious. This leads the business owner to procrastinate without any real action.

What filing tips and tricks can I share to empower you to begin being more consistent?

Why not begin with a recurring action station?

All the paper work that you need to “act” on this week or the next few weeks should be allocated to a Action Station.

You DO NOT put into the action station any long term referal information, legal papers or filing items.

File legal papers and documents immediately or place into your safety security box.


Where do I begin with filing


Put aside some time to organise your thoughts and then create your action station.


  • Pen or dymo tag machine with tape
  • Filing labels
  • Manila or coloured folders
  • A stand or box or organiser to slip the marked folders into on your desk


Think about all the regular mail, bills and other items that you have every week to attend to every week

  • General bills
  • Friends and Family names / addresses
  • Magazines, newspapers or school newsletters to read
  • General correspondance like letters, invitations, phone calls
  • Medical bills to claim
  • Items to file

Then if you have a Business

  • Expenses
  • Invoices
  • Website updates
  • Blog articles
  • Social Media schedule

How do you currently keep up to date and organise yourself with all these items?


These are just a guide to get you going, but you are welcome to copy…..


Correspondence to complete

Claims – Medical

Contacts to enter

Items to FileBills to Pay

Items to Read

Business use another file box / stand alone system 

Bills/Receipts to Process

Blog Articles

Correspondence to complete

Database to Update

Invoicing to Process

Purchases to make

Webpage to update



As small business owners we have never had the amount of choice that we experience today.

If your goal is to achieve a paperless office it’s extremely cost effective and easy to do so.

I use a combination of Dropbox, Evernote and Google Suite where I save all my office documentation.

However, there are more options than I care to mention in this blog article.

Think about the following:

Are you mobile and require syncing between devices?

Do you want to use your own cloud storage application in office?

What regulatory rules and legislative requirements are you required to follow?

How will you ensure that your private documentation is safe from Cyber Attack?

What option/s will you put into place to have additional backups in case one option is corrupted or hacked?

These are all very important questions to have the answers for, once you know where you stand you can then decide on a cloud storage option to suit your needs.

In the end, it’s important that you “have” a system and consistently use it to keep on top of your work.

Ensure that once you have completed your “action” the paperwork is shredded, filed or posted. To be replaced with the “new” paperwork that needs your urgent attention.

Having a system saves you time and worry when you can put everything in it’s place and can find it when you need to.

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