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10 May

Protect yourself from SCAMS

Both the ATO and the consumer watchdog are warning the public to watch out for scammers pretending to be the ATO.

The beginning of 2018 showed no slowing down of scam activity using the Phone, email and text message scams impersonating the ATO in an attempt to grab your money.

From fake debts, to tax returns or even threatening that the police will be coming are some of the tactics that scammers are using to trick you into giving them your most sensitive information such as your date of birth, tax file number and bank account details.



[ ATO, ACCC warn pulic to beware of scammers running bogus tax schemes ]

The ABC stated in their investigation that the tax scammer knew the person’s name, tax file number and about a dispute conducted just a few months earlier. Out of fear, the older woman interviewed paid $628 before realising that it was a scam.

Since then another article related how Western Australian seniors have lost more than $10,000 in another scam. [See The Daily Telegraph : Elderly WA women threatened in ATO scam dated 7th August 2014]

The article in The Daily Telegraph states that a 69 year old woman was called by a scammer claiming to be from the ATO who offered her a rebate of $70,000. However, before she was able to gain access to the money, he wanted her to send $10,000.

Let’s pause here, what happened to common sense?

Why would you send $10,000 to a complete stranger with no official paperwork? Greed, ignorance or stupidity?

In a second case, a 74 year old woman was told to pay her tax money owed or face jail.

Out of fright, she sent $500, whereby a further $2900 was demanded by the scammer. Fortunately, after she discovered that is was a scam, she wisely cancelled the second payment.

The article states that 10 people have reported scams in the WA with over $25,000 losts to date.

While we all know that scams have been around for a long time, I am worried about two points here.

1. The scammers are getting aggressive, threatening their callers

2. They are picking on the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable.

It is important that we get the message out to our friends and family so that they can inform the vulnerable ones in our society to not be taken in!

 “A fool and their money are easily parted” [tweet it]



Go to the ATO website titled Scam Alert : See link here

I recall arriving at the Melbourne airport and as I hopped into my Uber a scam artist called my mobile.

“Hello, is this Miss Amanda Hoffmann?”

“Who is asking please” was my polite response

“I am calling you about your tax debt madam, you must act quickly as I have the police at the ready to arrive at your office”

“Oh really?” I responded, then simply hung up on the caller.

Selected block this number in my contacts section on my mobile and continued to ask my Uber driver about his day…….

My Tips

1. Never give your private information over the phone.

2. Never share sensitive information on emails 

3. Always call ATO direct – verify your identity and ask about your tax affairs that way.

4. Regularly update your passwords online 

5. Do not open emails or attachments from people / organisations you do not know – delete them

6. Keep your computer up to date with anti-virus, anti-spy ware, microsoft updates and current software from a reputable source

7. Never send money or give your financial details to someone you do not trust

8. If you think your details have been hacked or you have responded to an unknown email, contact your bank immediately.


The Australian Taxation Office has put together an amazing resource for small business owners called the Cyber Safety at Tax Time Resource Kit.

The kit contains:

  • Resource Kit
  • Fact Sheets and flyers
  • Social media tiles for Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Website Banners

Click through the the resource HERE

Webinar if you are more visual HERE


If you are in any doubt about an interaction, or feel you may have been fooled by a tax scammer call the ATO on 1800 008 540 between 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday to Friday to verify.

If you have provided your tax file number to someone you feel may be a scammer contact the ATO support team on 1800 467 033 so they can assist you in protecting your tax account.

Report any suspicious emails by forwarding them to the

To find our more go to Verify or report a scam

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